Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views. 


I am sorry but my Bible doesn't say that the Holy Spirit is the one restraining the coming of the man of lawlessness at all. The Holy Spirit has been in this world from the very beginning of time and will be here until the world is destroyed. You cannot possibly take the Spirit of the Living God out of the equation. The Scriptures also teach that we will go through the tribulation until the lawless one sits on the mercy seat in the temple, then Christ will come on the clouds to take the believers, followed by the day of the Lord starting.

This is as plain as the nose on your face in Revelation. Revelation:13:7 tells us that God himself allows the saints to be killed. He is allowing us to go through tribulation to refine us. You Americans seem to have a really strange belief when it comes to the last days. In the rest of the world many are being killed for their faith in Jesus, so what makes you think that you will not also be called to stand and be murdered for your faith in Jesus. I fear for many of you in America that when the time comes that you will not be ready for the trials and tribulations that we are called to bear. LB (email) 

Dear TBC,

[Concerning the article “Counseling in the Church: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly—Part 2”, see—http://bit.ly/3FOzEMJ] I would not argue with any of this. I would however offer a reason as to why. We really don't talk much to each other in the church. We'll sit around and analyze other people from hundreds of years ago but we dare not even comment on the modern political scene of our day. I am shocked at how little people will offer in honest dialogue these days. I would almost say you can get more out of people who are not a part of the church. So many people are in cruise control even though the days are evil. Oh no, you dare not speak of these things. Do we really think people will trust each other with deep personal loss or suffering? No. You are lucky if you can get the men past sports and the women past their latest kitchen remodel. JK (email) 

Dear TBC,

[Regarding the article “What is ‘This Generation’?”, see—http://bit.ly/3UTnQNt] I think we're seeing this now of course. Israel is one of the most secular nations in the world and I believe the problems they're having with Covid link directly to this. They continue to disbelieve and live like carnal people so God will give them over to their lustful desires. By lustful I mean it's all about me, me, and me and living in the world. 

While they have had many, many successes since becoming a nation again in 1948, they've continued to stick their finger in [God’s] eye. Small wonder why the people of Israel in the OT continued to fall away and come under judgment. They fulfill Jeremiah's statement, continually, “The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things, who can know it?” 

Just my 2-cents worth anyway. RG (WA)

Dear TBC,

Thanks for this truth, Tom, and TBC. Before psychotherapy, and with some currently, people had good, honest, trustworthy Christian friends that they could tell their problems, insecurities, shortcomings, and errors of life to in private. Talking it out with one of these friends was just as, or more effective than psychotherapists and psychologists and is FAR LESS expensive, both financially and spiritually. All psychiatrists and psychologists do is attempt to eliminate the righteous shame people’s consciences cause them to feel, as a result of their sin, if their hearts haven’t become too hardened to sense it. CH (email)