Looking Like Apes | thebereancall.org

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Looking Like Apes [Excerpts]

A Grand Rapids parent is asking the school district to remove his seventh grade son’s history book because it “depicts the ancestors of black people looking like apes -- unclothed, with small brains” while “[l]ater in the chapter when talking about Home sapiens, the illustrations depict an early human that looks white, is more intelligent and uses tools.” He told 24 Hour News 8, “The initial problem I had was that my son's origin is painted as some type of beast or a monkey man of sorts, walking through the landscape of Africa with no clothes on, eating animals without cooking them, and this of course is speculation.

"We don't know that those people did that or any people did that. Those anthropologists are speculating, and for my son to be taught that is like a needle being filled with poison and injecting it into his brain.” The first illustrations he spoke of, according to an anthropologist interviewed by the news channel, depict australopithecines, which she said “were not human at all.”

Yet as the concerned dad has noted, these are being depicted as ancestors of humans. And despite the evolutionary claim that all human ancestors came from Africa, evolution has long been used as a justification for racism. Evolutionist Stephen J. Gould admitted, “Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1850, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory" (Gould, Stephen Jay. 1977. Ontogeny and Phylogeny, p. 127–128. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Press). Indeed, Darwin wrote that some groups of humans were closer to their supposed ape-like ancestors than others.
