Letters | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Dear Dave,

Regarding a question in the Dec. ’02 issue as to when angels were created, Job:38:4-7 suggests they were present as witnesses of creation. LK (WA)

Dear Dave Hunt & Staff,

My wife and I have been receiving your monthly newsletters for around seven years….We decided to search for a new church in which to worship. Our current church was more concerned with numbers than actual souls....They jumped on the “Jabez” wagon,...allowed yoga in fellowship hall, and the contemporary worship was, as one elder put it, “the hot thing going”....We finally found one that is genuine....We do realize it is God who inspires us to be discerning, but you have certainly helped us along too. (DF) MI

Dearly beloved Dave Hunt,

[W]e hope to establish some Afghan churches for the first time….The U.S. and British soldiers camping there are the only guarantee for peace and rule of law. If they are withdrawn, all our teams and new believers there would be beheaded immediately by the Taliban killers. God…is doing something there of special significance for the Islamic world. Thank you much for your faithful sup-port and prayer. PP (India)

Dear Brothers Dave and Tom,

I am truly blessed by your radio pro-gram, Search the Scriptures Daily….I am hoping to use it as a witnessing tool to my unsaved family members, friends and others. (I have the mp3 archives of [the programs]). What a blessing!  MS (prisoner, NJ)

Dear Dave,

I am a longtime fan of yours who loves the [new] weekly email newsletter [TBC This Week]. Now I can keep up with some of the latest developments in your ministry, as well as listen to your insightful commentary, and your banter with T.A. McMahon. Kudos to a great idea!  DB (LA)

Dear Dave,

In November 2002 I listened to a... Sunday service in which the pastor stated, “God chooses some to be saved and others not to be saved.” Oh no, I thought, we are in for another ride on the apostasy train! What has helped me the most to counter this error has been your book What Love Is This?...praise God for giving you the willingness to write this difficult book. My struggle in trying to understand this church for the past thirty years is over. [Their] tolerance for Catholics is due to their Calvinist roots! MP (MN)

Dear Brother Hunt,

I was greatly blessed by your writing in the January issue, “If Any Man Thirst.” I needed to hear a message like this because I do not always have the passion for God that I should have. It has made me see I need to take my walk with the Lord more seriously. AY (PA)

Dear Dave Hunt & Staff:

[Re] your printing two letters of Roman Catholic (RC) origin in the January 2003 Berean Call....The [apologetic] comment from the former RC [who had] said, “Who died and made you God?” was a curious contrast with the one that followed, which accused you of blaspheming the RC doctrines. The question I have is why don’t RCs read/study their own RC teachings about the errors and evils of the RC Institution?….What is more blind or deceptive than “religion?”…Your ability to deal patiently and positively with the constant barrage of religious nonsense and lies of the religious is admirable indeed. KF (VA)

Dear Christian Friends,

Things seem to get worse for Israel. I pray for them each day and also for the Friends of Israel Ministry. The time when the Bride of Christ will rise to meet the Lord in the air grows closer. What a wonderful day! OM (FL)

Dear TBC,

Having been brought up as a fervent Calvinist, I nevertheless purchased and studied What Love Is This? I am still studying it and finding myself agreeing with you more and more. Thank you for writing the book. NE (Canada)

Dear Friends at TBC,

Several years ago I asked you to take me off your mailing list because I was far from the Lord and not reading the materials I was receiving from various ministries. I didn’t want you and others to be wasting money. (I’m sure you had me on a prayer list)….Thank you for your faithfulness to the Word and the Lord. I know you are on the front lines. Please keep sending The Berean Call, and thanks for your prayers. CM (NY)

Hello Mr. Hunt,

After reading your publication of Occult Invasion, I am glad you have an address to respond to. Sir, I could not put this book down, and as a slow reader anyway, thought it would take months to complete this huge thing. Not only did I complete it within two weeks…[but] I cried several times about the knowledge that was shared regarding many topics [i.e.,] Benny Hinn….Your writings have helped to steer people away from Satan and his devices and bring us closer to Yahweh…through truthful teachings that are so desperately needed these days. CF (TX)