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Translating the tablets found during the excavation of Ebla has continued to provide information that shows the reliability of the biblical account.

“In his book, ‘The Impact of Ebla,’ [Clifford] Wilson notes that Ebla tablets date back to around 2300 B.C., or perhaps a hundred years earlier (p. 15), one text ascribing to it a population of some 260,000 (p. 14); that they evidence knowledge of sacrificial systems (p. 19), rituals, hymns, with 'all sorts of details about the administration of justice' (p. 24), with reference in particular to sex offences in a way 'remarkably close' to what is given in Deuteronomy:22:22-30. Further customs, names and culture fit to a singular degree with what the Bible attests of Abraham, whose date has at times past been challenged with routine spiritual effrontery based on ignorance, rationalism and possibly evolutionism. In fact, the Bible and its cultural correlates are constantly confirmed, and Ebla goes further.

It even gives names in striking accord with those in the Bible for a period of such antiquity, including Eber in the Biblical Table of Nations (Genesis:10:24), one which Wilson (op.cit., p. 66) considers to "have some ethnic connection with 'Hebrews'". Indeed, as Allbright points out - that ancient Table of Nations itself, in Genesis: stands absolutely alone in ancient literature without remote parallel even among the Greeks' “(“Recent Discoveries in Bible Lands,” found in Young's Analytical Concordance, 22nd edition, p. 30).