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TBC Staff

[G]enerally, LDS [Mormon] media campaigns are successful. The total audience reached through radio and television alone, is "2.3 million adults per day [or] 357.4 million people in a single year." Missionary activity has grown by 16 percent worldwide and the church is growing at the rate of 880 new members per day, 26,782 a month, 321,385 a year. The new "Bible" commercial has generated more than twice the response of all their other TV spots combined, and 80% of responding viewers who are contacted by the missionaries, take the first discussion with 60% going on to the second. After advertising has paved the way, missionaries are sent out. Performing as instructed, they talk about God only in orthodox Christian terms and conceal all unbiblical beliefs. Mormon leaders, F. Burton Howard and F. Enzio Busche, members of the First Quorum of the Seventy, said: "We have an obligation to conceal our doctrines; [because] we are trying to be a mainstream Christian church . . ." This deception is so successful, that many converts who later leave the LDS Church, said they believed they were simply joining another Christian church (Hutchinson, "Strategies of the Mormon Church,