Nephilim Nonsense |

TBC Staff

Nephilim Nonsense [Excerpts]

The Truth is not so profitable as adding brick and mortar to the Wall of False Prophecy. Facts can be told in a few paragraphs and the evidence shown with few exhibits, but very profitable volumes can be constructed of conjecture, and irresistible imaginations may be invented and sold as fiction or truth to a world that is easily deceived. I recently received this question in response to some comments I made on the Nephilim Theory:

[Question] you said…about the nephilim, that angels having those kinds of relations with women contradicts some things Jesus said. My question is that Genesis:6:2 and 6:4 when read plainly, seem to support the “hybrid theory”, so is there something I’m not understanding here

[Answer] yes, those verses do “seem” to support the “hybrid theory” [humans and demons procreating] only after the presumption has been accepted that the ‘sons of god’ are demons or fallen angels. There is however nothing express or explicit in the text or in the entire bible to support that presumption.  First of all when we read the first seven verses of Genesis Six we must determine what the subject is. “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”

The subject: God is explaining the reason for the Flood judgment. Only if we presume that ‘the sons of god’ in the text are demons or fallen angels could we conclude that God is judging mankind for what those demons have done. Without this conjecture there are no hybrids involved in God’s announcement of the Flood judgment in the context. The first question is, who does the bible say that the ‘sons of god’ are? There are only eleven verses in the entire Bible where the phrase is used.  And I have to admit that the ‘sons of god’ can refer to any created being of God including angels, demons, men, even Satan, and finally those individuals regenerated in the Blood of the Messiah by faith, yes even us.

So we must look at the context, without presupposition, to determine who the ‘sons of god’ are in each instance.  The only word in the text that even allows this conjecture is the word that is translated ‘giants’ from the Hebrew: H5303 נפל נפיל nephı̂yl nephil,from which we get the word ‘nephilim’.  There is only one other place in the Bible where the word is used and there it is is used in reference to men who are tall in stature, and that after the Flood.

The next hypothesis to investigate is the question of whether demons or fallen angels can procreate with women?  What does the Bible say?  In the beginning of Genesis we find this phrase repeated through out the creation account, “after his kind“, regarding the self-replicating plants and all of the “living creatures” which procreate.  So here we have a witness that God established some reproductive rules or natural law for His creation. 

The bible indicates that all angels, demons, and other created beings on the spiritual plane are individually created by God and do not procreate. Jesus himself verifies this explicitly at Mat:22:29-30: “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”

Because they do not marry we can safely conclude that they do not sexually procreate with each other at all nor could they conjugate with women in any way. Therefore, these alleged fallen angels would need the creative power only attributed to God’s Holy Spirit when he created the seed of our Messiah in the womb of Mary the young virgin. Nowhere does the Word endow angels with this type of creation power.

Because of these facts, the scriptural and natural evidence present I have no choice but to conclude that the Giants of scripture, the Nephilim, were only men who were great in stature or renowned as powerful tyrants or both, but they certainly were not demon/human hybrids. The scripture simply does not support this type of imagination!

(Arthur, “Nephilim Nonsense,” CrossTheBorder Online, 3/24/13).