Nuggets from Countdown to the Second Coming— Creating Antichrist’s False Church (Part 3) |

Dave Hunt

John saw in his vision that not only the dragon (Satan) would be worshiped but also that the Antichrist himself would be worshiped as God. Past generations would have thought it ridiculous to imagine that anyone, much less the entire world, would worship a man as God. In the last 30 years, however, the “god-men” from the East, such as Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, Baba Muktananda, Maharaji, and many others, have come to the West and have been literally worshiped as God by thousands of their followers. Though only a small minority of mankind currently follow the gurus, nevertheless, worshiping a man as God has, for the first time in history, become commonplace in the Western world. Actors, actresses, sports heroes, and political leaders are among those now worshiping mere men posing as little gods.

When people like Shirley Maclaine, for example, claim to be God, they are taken seriously by millions. Not long ago, they would have been classified as insane and locked up. Shirley channels her own “higher self” for guidance. Her website,, is a primer on “doctrines of devils.”