Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

Today, tragically, most Jews, including those who live in Israel, do not accept the Bible as the infallible Word of God and therefore do not believe God’s promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The glad expression, “Next year in Jerusalem!” and even the solemn prayer, “Sound the great Shofar for our freedom…bring our exiles together and assemble us from the four corners of the earth…,” (Daily Prayer Book, Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem [New York, 1949]), has been repeated by Jews around the world for centuries, but far more often as a tradition than by conviction or desire. Consequently, they leave themselves with no better claim upon the land than the Arabs have — and at the mercy of world powers that voted them in and could just as well vote them out.

Even many of the Zionists didn’t fully believe God’s promises. That movement eventually split over whether to accept territory in Africa or elsewhere that some considered just as suitable, perhaps even better than Palestine. To settle anywhere except in the ancient land of Israel was finally rejected by the Seventh Zionist Congress in 1915.

Clearly, in addition to the fact that Allah is not the God of the Bible, another major point of difference between a Christian and a Muslim is Israel. Muslims would be only too happy to agree that the church has replaced Israel. If that is true, then who are those Jews living there? Muslims would find their mutual rejection of Israel a basis for unity with those who claim that Israelis aren’t really Jews but Khazars and that Jews as a people have vanished.

If so, then God is a liar, His Word is not reliable, and we can’t believe what it says about the Messiah and salvation. Yet we know that the Bible is 100 percent accurate in all that it says — and that fact can be proved from just the prophecies concerning Israel. Those who reject any part of the Bible as not true, and particularly what it says about Israel, have placed themselves in a position to believe the misinformation spread by Islam.