Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

The vast majority of those who call themselves Christians pick and choose out of the Bible what they want to believe and reject the rest….The very concept of the Jews as God’s “chosen people,” though stated clearly hundreds of times in unmistakable language in Scripture, is rejected as undemocratic, as though what God decrees must first be submitted to majority vote. Multiple errors are introduced, as in the following:

“Only in a theology rooted in a God who loves all people can there be genuine reconciliation, justice and peace. Christians, Muslims and Jews, people of the three Abrahamic tribes, must reject a ‘God’ who chooses one people against all others, for this ‘God’ lies the ultimate mandate for genocide” (Rosemary Ruether, National Catholic Reporter, April 26, 1006, p. 12).

That statement may sound appealing, but its irrationality and unbiblical nature are obvious. Reconciliation must first of all be between man and God — and that can only come on God’s terms. We don’t negotiate with Him. The quote above is contained in a full-page article…, which,  although viciously critical of Israelis, has not one word of rebuke for Islam’s slaughter of millions of Jews, Christians, and pagans (and many hundreds of thousands of Muslims by Muslims as well) through the centuries. Islam is passed off as a religion of “justice and peace” when that is so manifestly not the case that we need not document its evils further.