Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt

Truth is not easy to find. One must be careful of the source of information and check it out, especially when it comes to the subject of Palestinian refugees and their alleged mistreatment at the hands of Israelis. Professor David A. Rausch has said it well in his excellent book, “The Middle East Maze: Israel and Her Neighbors" (Moody Press, 1991):   

         “Hatred by Christian Arabs for Jews and the Jewish state runs as deep as it does among Muslim Arabs. Periodicals and analysts who believe they are receiving an unbiased 'Christian” perspective on the problems of the Middle East because they are in touch with Christian Arabs of their denomination or theological persuasion need to use extreme caution. Missionaries from the West who work among Arabs often become unwitting accomplices in spreading anti-Israel propaganda and deceit. Lest one seem to be too harsh toward such missionaries, consider that even hardened news reporters working the beat in an Arab country soon learn that their sources dry up if their reports appear to be too harsh the Arabs or too lenient toward the Israelis.”