Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

When Muhammad died in AD 632 (poisoned in revenge by the widow of a man he had murdered), much of Arabia, having been forced into this new “faith” by the sword, tried to defect, thinking they could abandon Islam. The prophet responsible for their subjugation was dead, and with his passing had died any loyalty they had been forced to profess to this oppressive religion. They had either forgotten or no longer feared the decree Muhammad had passed on from Allah: “Whoever relinquishes his faith, kill him!”

During the next two years (AD 632-34), in obedience to Allah’s command to behead apostates, Muhammad’s successor and father-in-law, Abu Bakr, and loyal Muslim warriors, killed about seventy thousand former Muslims. Obedient to Muhammad’s command and example, Abu Bakr sent forth his troops: “Command them [apostates] to re-embrace Islam; but if they refuse, do not spare any one of them. Burn them with fire and kill them with force and take the women as prisoners” (Chronicles of Tabari, II, 258, 272).

These were all Arabs killed by Arabs, former Muslims killed by Muslims, and their slaughter has come down in history as the “Wars of Apostasy.” Thus Arabia was forced back into Islam and remains its bulwark today.