Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt

Archaeologists have uncovered inscriptions…that say, “Please Allah, let me die in battle!” To die as a “martyr” in jihad is the only way a Muslim may be certain of Paradise. This is the motive that drives today’s suicide bombers. Yet most Muslims are unaware that neither the ancient “martyrs” nor today’s “suicide bombers” could be certain of Paradise as their reward. Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s first successor, fought loyally in jihad, but he to whom the Prophet had personally promised Paradise lamented, “I have no trust concerning Allah’s schemes, even if one of my feet is inside paradise, who can determine which deed is acceptable and which is not? You do all you can do, and the accountability is with Allah. You ask him for acceptance” (Abd El Schafi, Behind the Veil: Unmasking Islam [N.p., 2000], 274.