Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt |

Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt

Darwin faced a problem that still haunts evolutionists to this day. If we are simply the product of chance motions of atoms, beginning with an inexplicable explosion (of an unknown energy source) called “the big bang,” then all of our thoughts are simply the result of chance motions of atoms in our brains and are thus without meaning—and that includes the theory of evolution itself. Evolution denies that the very theory of evolution can have any meaning and therefore be true. Evolutionists insist that whatever is going on in our brain cells at any moment must be traced back to that huge explosion, following which lifeless matter somehow came to life and, over eons of time, eventually evolved into human brain cells. There is no point in this process at which meaning could have been introduced, nor is there any rational source within matter or energy (they are interchangeable) from which a purposeful plan could have come.

Science can tell neither where the energy came from that was involved in the alleged big bang, nor why the explosion occurred, nor how it could have produced order. Indeed, if all we have to deal with is exploding energy, then to ask why or how (which imply meaning) is useless. There is no why or wherefore in energy and explosion. Shut down all universities and seminaries, and sit in mourning: there is no truth, no purpose, no meaning, no basis for morals or ethics, no right or wrong. Nor would we mourn at all for missing truth and meaning if we were merely the product of an explosion of energy, for neither such concepts nor the sense that they were missing would ever result from random motions of atoms in our brains.

It is undeniable that there is neither truth, meaning, nor purpose without an intelligent Creator who, for His own reasons, made the universe and each of us in His image. Yet the world of academia largely rejects this inescapable fact because it does not want to be accountable to God. Professors and students claim to be on a quest for truth while denying that it exists or that anyone could identify it if it did. Such is the nihilistic atmosphere in major universities around the world. It is considered to be too dogmatic for anyone to claim that truth can be known. Then what is the point of research and study, if all we can achieve is a listing of differing opinions, none of which can be declared to be either right or wrong?