Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt

Almost unique at that time was the Anabaptists' fervent expectation of the return of Christ. It helped make the pain of loss more bearable—whether of earthly goods or of life itself. Moreover, their revival of the forgotten hope of Christ's imminent return contributed in no small way to the circumspect manner and purity of life that characterized the Anabaptist movement as a whole. Though fervent in their expectation of the establishment of a heavenly kingdom on earth, they were adamant that it was to be initiated by Christ and not by their own efforts in His absence.

Far from perfect, however, the Anabaptists had their heresies (some denied the Trinity and were involved in polygamy) and made at least one attempt to establish an earthly kingdom....