Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt

The Great Commission involves not social and political action aimed at overturning or reforming governments and institutions but preaching a gospel that transforms individuals and changes their eternal destiny. Although there is a place for lawful and appropriate social and political action, it must not be confused with the Great Commission. To determine what is lawful, we must distinguish between the rights of governments and those of private citizens. These rights vary in different countries and times, as we have already pointed out.

On the other hand, Christians are not obliged to obey every government demand. This is clear both from the example of Christ himself and His apostles, who, in order to obey God, refused to obey the Jewish religious leaders. Christ's resurrection itself was in defiance of the Roman seal placed upon His tomb and the guard stationed there to see that He remained in it. Scripture clearly tells us that no government has any authority except that which comes from God (Romans:13:1), and citizens therefore are not bound by any civil laws that violate the will of God for their lives.