Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt

Dominion theology and positive confession are closely related. Advocates of the latter take dominion through speaking it forth, while evangelicals such as those involved in COR recover dominion through activism—but the relationship is clear and most dominionists are working together toward their common goal.

Contrary to this theology, the dominion God gave Adam was not lost to Satan at the Fall and does not need to be restored. That man never lost but continues to exercise dominion is clearly stated in Psalm:8:6-8 as a given fact—a fact that we all know by experience. We still swat flies, eat chicken, catch fish, and exterminate termites. Recognizing this fact, dominionists nevertheless attempt to argue that we did indeed lose our power of dominion at the Fall and have an ongoing task of restoring it.