Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt

Although there are no doubt spiritual applications that can be made to the church from God's dealings with Israel and His promises to her, there is much that simply cannot be spiritualized without doing violence to the meaning of the language and the consistency of Scirpture. National Israel is associated with the land of Palestine, and many biblical prophecies specifically involve that land. We need only recall part of that list: the removal of Israel to be scattered around the world because of her sin; the gathering of Israel back to her own land in the last days; the subsequent attack by the armies of the world against Israel in their attempt to destroy her at Armageddon; the intervention of Christ to rescue Israel and to execute judgment upon those who sought to destroy His people, including such details as His descent upon the Mount of Olives, which then splits in half.