The Pokemon Go Craze Has Arrived at the Vatican |

TBC Staff - EN


The rush for the app Pokémon Go affects everyone, regardless of who is actually a participant. This augmented reality game, suitable for all audiences, has become the undisputed worldwide star of the past few weeks. The trend has also reached the Vatican, where rumor has it, Arceus, the Pokémon god, is located.

"I was looking for a Pokémon. It said it was a legendary one, so I came here looking for that Pokémon. But I think it's difficult to find it, he said me to look in the Holy Door, so now I'm looking for my friend."

According to players, any time of day is perfect to hunt for pokémons, even if it means having to deal with hundreds of tourists. There are several sites where one can search for these creatures. For example, the window where the Pope prays the Angelus or the fountains of St. Peter's Square.

"I've been here the last few days walking and playing Pokémon while doing tourism and has been quite fun."

According to a study from a brand of bracelets that records physical activity, Pokémon Go users have doubled their walking distance after having downloaded the application.

"This application has made me go out more than I usually go out. In this last week, I would have walked over the thirty, forty kilometers."

"I have played close to the Vatican and I have to admit, it's a good hobby. Certainly there are times you have to be careful around you to avoid incidents. It's a fun and good app, but should be played carefully and responsibly."

Some users have suffered accidents, like not looking before crossing the street, while trying to hunt for pokémons.

("The “Pokémon Go” craze has arrived in the Vatican," Rome Reports, 7/21/16).

[TBC: Pokemon is of course more than just a game, as it freely partakes of mythology and occultic elements (much as Catholicism does with its traditions and mystical dogma), though some will protest that "Aceus" is not the "Pokemon god." Others comment that if one looks at it from "the Japanese perspective," Arceus is derived off an ancient Japanese deity that created others, and then left and went elsewhere, disappearing and leaving those it created to themselves act as gods. Pokemon players in the game develop supernatural powers as they pursue the acquisition of power and in turn use those powers to harm others. In any case, it's hard to avoid the similarity to the original lie that, "...your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis:3:5).]

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With this in mind, we are featuring a conference talk from previous years each day this week.
Today’s featured talk is “Israel Betrayed, Part 2" by Paul Wilkinson: