Radical Islam, Not Peace, On Display in Moore, Oklahoma | thebereancall.org

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President Obama and other politicians are fond of reminding Americans that Islam is a "religion of peace." Unfortunately, that message is not getting across to the millions of Muslims that adhere to a radical branch of Islam that considers non-believers to be infidels worthy of death. Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy and other experts estimate that 15 percent of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide believe in this violent form of Islam. This means there are approximately 240 million Muslims who want to kill Christians, Jews and "moderate" Muslims.

Sadly, these radicals are not confined to the Middle East. They have found a home in the United States of America, even in Moore, Oklahoma. On Thursday, Alton Nolen, who recently converted to Islam, started attacking innocent people at the Vaughan Foods processing plant. Nolen, who had tried to convert others to Islam, had recently been fired from the company.

He turned his anger into murder when he stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, a co-worker, and was in the process of killing Traci Johnson before he was stopped by Mark Vaughan, the company's Chief Operating Officer. Fortunately, Vaughan, a reserve Oklahoma County deputy, shot Nolen before he could kill Johnson and others. According to Moore Police Sergeant Jeremy Lewis, Vaughan is a "hero," because Nolen was "not going to stop." Lewis believes it would "have gotten a lot worse" if not for Vaughan intervening with his firearm.

[This] clearly illustrates the growing threat of radical Islam in the United States. Nolen recently served several years in prison and may have converted to Islam while behind bars, like so many other prisoners in America.

While the media is underplaying his religion, it is a crucial part of this incident. It was likely a motivating factor for Nolen. He beheaded Ms. Hufford in the same manner as the Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria have killed countless people, including two Americans and a British citizen.

Beheadings have become the hallmark of the Islamic State. It is a type of savagery that is gaining support for the Islamic State from deranged Muslims worldwide who emulate this horrific crime. This week, a radical Islamic group in Algeria, which pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and their terrorist methods, beheaded a French citizen.

Obviously, the threat of Islamic terrorism is not confined to any one country. Radical Islam is becoming more of a problem in this country, which is why the FBI is investigating Nolen's background and the incident at Vaughan Foods.

Another worrisome factor is that America is especially vulnerable due to our wide-open borders. We have no idea how many Islamic State terrorists have crossed into our country. We also do not know how many Americans are converting to the radical form of Islam in our country's prisons and mosques.

We are at war, not against terrorism or extremists, but against radical Islam. The war is not only being waged in the Middle East, but also, increasingly, in our own country.


[TBC: As Dave Hunt pointed out on numerous occasions: "under Abu Bakr and succeeding caliphs, Islam spread swiftly by the sword from France all the way to China--"defensive" wars, of course. Millions were killed by the conquering Muslim armies. There is no way to "explain" away today's suicide bombers and other Muslim terrorists as a handful of extremists. This is Islam as Muhammad and his successors established and practiced it from the beginning and down through the centuries. Historians describe the conquest of India as "the bloodiest story in history." There Muslims killed more Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs than Hitler killed Jews….Foundational to Islam is the declaration Muhammad made: "Allah has commanded me to fight against all people until all people confess that Allah is the true god and Muhammad is his prophet." The entire world is divided by Islam into Dar al-Islam (the house of peace) and Dar al-Harb (the house of war). There is perpetual Jihad by Islam against Dar al-Harb. There can never be "peace" until Islam has subjected the entire world to Allah. Verses advocating fighting to take over the world for Islam (of which there are more than 100) include the following: 2:190-193, 210, 224; 4:74-76, 89, 101; 5:36, 54; 8:12, 17, 59-60, 65; 9:5, 14, 29, 41, 123; 47:4, etc.]