Ten Reasons the Church Should Focus More on the Gospel Than Politics | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff - EN

10 Reasons Why Christians Should Focus More on the Gospel Than Politics

1. Politics change. The gospel doesn't (Matthew:24:35.)

2. The gospel will transform our politics, not vice versa (Romans:12:1,2.)

3. It's what Jesus calls us to do (Acts:1:6-8.)

4. We are citizens of a different kingdom (Philippians:3:20.)

5. It's what the early church focused on (Acts:4:23-31.)

6. It attacks the root of evil and not just the fruit of it (Romans:1:16.)

7. Politics can divide the body of Christ while the gospel will unite us. (Philippians:1:27)

8. The gospel calls us to pray for politicians we disagree with, not hate them (1 Timothy:2:1-4.)

9. The gospel brings political action soaked in love and humility, not pride and arrogance (Romans:13:1-8.)

10. Politics are a reflection of the moral compass of a society. The gospel gives society a new compass that is accurate (Titus:3:1-5.)
