April 2005 | thebereancall.org

April 2005

Question: I recently read the March 2005 Ladies’ Home Journal ( LHJ ) column by Rick Warren and was greatly disturbed. Although he mentioned God (which “God”?), the entire article was devoted to teaching us how we can better love ourselves. What possible use could this be to the multitudes...Read more
question and answer
O Lord, Thy fingers fashioned Calvary’s hill; Those skull-like stones were surely Thine intent. Well did’st Thou know, Thy Body dead and still Would crown its slopes and ev’ry rock be rent. O Lord, ’twas in Thy mind, the tree was born, With living strength to point men up to...Read more
Ateos alegan que de acuerdo al "mito" del Jardín del Edén, lo maligno empezó de una manera demasiado inocente para que sea la raíz de donde ha germinado toda la maldad que existe en la tierra. Adán y Eva solamente comieron la fruta prohibida, un acto tan inofensivo que realmente...Read more
feature article
This is the pdf version of the April 2005 The Berean Call .Read more
