April 2005 | thebereancall.org

April 2005

Atheists argue that according to the “myth” of the Garden of Eden, evil had too innocent a beginning to be the root from which all the wickedness on this earth could possibly have grown. Adam and Eve merely ate some forbidden fruit—an act hardly worth getting upset about. “Eve talked...Read more
feature article
Spring Cleaning Spring has sprung and we are in the process of cleaning out our mailing list. Our procedure is to contact those who have never contacted us to see if they want to continue to receive our free newsletter. Some have been put on our mailing list by well-meaning...Read more
tbc notes
Dear TBC, God bless you, and thank you for your ministry. This is more of a personal lament than anything. Truth is all but dead in this country, and I’m beginning to think it’s going that way in the Body. It’s so disheartening when you try to talk about truth...Read more
Psychology Today, Jan/Feb 2005 (Excerpts): The Idea That Launched a Thousand Suits— While under treatment for depression in the mid-1980s, Patricia Burgus made a horrible discovery. Her psychiatrist, employing both hypnosis and medication, helped Burgus remember that she had been a victim of horrendous abuse as a child—torture, cannibalism, even...Read more
news alert
Question: Aren’t you making the gospel too complicated by saying that Catholics are not saved even though they believe in the crucified and risen Christ? Answer: It is the Roman Catholic Church that has complicated the gospel. Anyone who truly believes the simple gospel that Paul declared (“that Christ died...Read more
question and answer
Question: Last night on Larry King Live , Billy Graham spoke about the pope…. Here is some of the transcript. Please let your readers know what BG said and what you think of it: GRAHAM: I appreciate the opportunity of saying a word about the Pope… he has been the...Read more
question and answer
