October 2005 | thebereancall.org

October 2005

This is the pdf version of the October 2005 The Berean Call .Read more
IF THE WORD “Christian” was not part of their logo, readers could easily mistake Family Christian Stores’ recent sales flyer as a New Age publication. Nine spiritualistic symbols “dance” around a central circle in a flowing sunburst pattern. Turning the cover, a lavish spread is devoted to explain “nine sacred...Read more
tbc extra
Update We want to express our thanks to all of you who have so kindly written or otherwise sent words of encouragement during this time of intensive cancer treatment for our daughter Janna. We wish we could personally respond to each expression of concern and assurance of prayer, but that...Read more
tbc notes
Thanks, Dave and T.A, The Holy Ghost is shedding so much junk out of my life through your [radio] program [ Search the Scriptures Daily ]. I hope and know that the Lord will finish the work He has started in me: that my eyes would be cleared of this...Read more
News.yahoo.com, 9/21/05: Speedy but spiritual : British cleric unveils “100-Minute Bible”— Business folk are used to reading executive summaries of important documents, and now would-be Christians are to have the same privilege, in the form of a chopped-down Bible that can be read in under two hours. A Church of...Read more
news alert
Question (representative of several): In your May Q&A, you objected to the use of the terms “Messianic Jew” and “Messianic movement” as not biblical. The Jerusalem council settled the issue that there would be a distinction between Gentiles and Jews in observances and practice….Jesus Christ is the same for Jew...Read more
question and answer
Question: In a recent book, a well-known prophecy teacher writes, “I have never been able to fully embrace the traditional viewpoint of conscious, eternal punishment. It seems to impugn the character of God….He is a God of righteousness, holiness, and justice, but is eternal suffering justice…? The concept of eternal...Read more
question and answer
The man who is intimate with God is never intimidated by man. Leonard Ravenhill Who would wish to dwell among the nations, and to be numbered with them? Why, even the professing church is such that to follow the Lord fully within its bounds is very difficult. There is such...Read more
