October 2006 | thebereancall.org

October 2006

The findings of a delegation of the World Council of Churches, upon returning from a visit to Beirut and Jerusalem is that " Israel 's assault on Lebanon was planned even before Hizbullah attacked and was aimed at driving a wedge between the different faiths that have been living in...Read more
TBC Today
We mustn't rile the terror-mongers [Excerpts] Just in time for the one-year anniversary of 7/7, a poll conducted for The Times of London indicates that 13 percent of British Muslims believe that the four Islamic suicide bombers who murdered 52 people in London last July should be regarded as "martyrs."...Read more
TBC Today
Sheep slaughtered in 'satanic' ritual Around 100 animals have been found slaughtered and mutilated on Dartmoor in Devon Police are hunting "devil worshippers" after a series of sickening "satanic rite" attacks on sheep at a national park. Around 100 animals have been found slaughtered and mutilated with their tongues, eyes...Read more
TBC Today
Sex and the City in the classroom [Excerpts] In the sacraments of the liberal faith, education usurps the place of baptism and sex takes on the significance of communion. Thus, [ Oregon State University ] may have created the definitive liberal congregation in the form of WS 399: Sex and...Read more
TBC Today
Das ist die pdf Version des TBC Rundbriefs vom Oktober 2006Read more
Zerrissen zwischen ihrem ernsthaften Begehren zu dienen und den Herrn zu ehren und dem inneren Aufruhr fleischlicher Lüste sowie dem verführerischen Zug weltlicher Freuden und Ehren, mühen sich viele Christen dabei ab, für Christus zu leben. Für sie beinhaltet Christentum große Anstrengungen, wenig Freude, viel Frustration und Ernüchterung, und der...Read more
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