March 2007 |

March 2007

[TBC: Here is another Atheist accusation of contradiction in the Bible]: "A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD..." -- Proverbs:12:2 A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn. See All... Now consider the case of Job. After commissioning Satan to...Read more
TBC Today
TBC : What drives the "Man Caused Global Warming" movement? Is it overwhelming evidence from science ? As we (and others) have noted, the movement itself presents a number of features that clearly distinguish it from scientific inquiry. Consider the remarks of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer during an appearance on...Read more
TBC Today
Oxford Scientist Examines the Benefits of Hitler’s Breeding Program [Excerpts] In a supposed "letter to the editor" . . . the Sunday Herald of Scotland titled "Eugenics may not be bad," Oxford professor Dr. Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion and leading evangelist for Darwinian evolution, defended the need...Read more
TBC Today
Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology [Excerpts] Tom Cruise is the new “Christ” of Scientology, according to leaders of the cult-like religion. The Mission: Impossible star has been told he has been “chosen” to spread the word of his faith throughout the world. And leader David Miscavige believes that in future,...Read more
TBC Today
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard [Excerpts] [February 27, 2007], I logged on to the "Global War" blog ( of Associate Professor Julio Pino – a Muslim convert who teaches at Kent State University. The heading for the site used to read "The Worldwide Web of Jihad: Daily News...Read more
TBC Today
Das ist die pdf Version des TBC Rundbriefs vom März 2007Read more
