October 2007 | thebereancall.org

October 2007

Air America Launches Nationwide Atheism Program [Excerpts] The liberal talk radio network Air America announced [the week of October 8] it will launch a nationwide show focusing on atheism . The first national show will feature Christopher Hitchens, author of "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything." The Freethought...Read more
TBC Today
California 'Mom,' 'Dad' ban garners international scorn [Excerpts] An international organization promoting families says California families have no choice but to abandon the public school system after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a new "anti-discrimination" bill into law, effectively making terms like "mom" and dad" obsolete. World Congress of Families Global...Read more
TBC Today
Ex-Muslim 'Apostates' Organize in Europe [Excerpts] An Iranian-born Dutch politician under fire from Muslims for his dissenting views on Islam on Tuesday officially launched an organization to support people who have renounced the religion. Ehsan Jami, a 22-year old Labor Party member elected to the council of a city near...Read more
TBC Today
"Lost Tribe" Returns to Israel [Excerpts] An Indian tribe called the Bnei Menashe, which means "children of Manasseh," have for many years claimed to be one of the "lost tribes" of Israel . They say they are the descendants of the tribe of Manasseh, who fled Israel on trade routes...Read more
TBC Today
Many Christian colleges are now offering yoga classes. Here is a partial list: Anderson College/University (Anderson, South Carolina) http://www.ac.edu/index.php "Yoga for All Ages...Our course leader is HELEN SABLAN, elementary teacher, professional yoga instructor, and owner of The Yoga Place" ("The Institute for Lifelong Learning," http://www.ac.edu/lifelong/schedule.htm. emp. theirs. Scroll down to...Read more
TBC Today
The Goddess and the Liberal Church The message of the goddess has gained a hearing in the church as well. The philosophy of the goddess is currently being taught in the classrooms of some of our seminaries. In a growing number of seminaries the student population is becoming increasingly female,...Read more
TBC Today
For nearly ten years, Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon sat down in TBC's broadcast studio in Bend, Oregon to discuss God's Word, Dave's books, events of the day, and questions from listeners. Search the Scriptures Daily was broadcast weekly and heard all over the world via local radio stations,...Read more
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