December 2007 |

December 2007

DEATH EDUCATION in the PUBLIC SCHOOLS Some public schools teach "death education." Some even have a "suicide talking day." On that day, students write suicide notes. They write their own obituaries and discuss what they will look like in their caskets. One student said that before "suicide talking day," she...Read more
TBC Today
Hospital Defends Plans to Turn Patients' Beds to Face Mecca [Excerpts] A hospital in northern England is playing down media reports saying that nurses have been ordered to stop normal duties five times a day to turn Muslim patients' beds so that they face Mecca. British tabloid newspapers reported Tuesday...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: The following excerpts are from It is riddled with unsupported accusations, generalizations, and distortions of truth. We have made a few [bracketed] comments below.] Cut Israel Off [Excerpts] It is long past time for American politicians to quit carrying water for the state of Israel and its powerful...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Despite no end of evidence, too many subscribe to the idea that Islam was a peaceful religion until provoked by the West.] Bill Maher: " . . . [in 2003], it was a relatively small number of young Muslim men. Now, thanks to this clash of civilizations we've created,...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Here is Dave’s article from December 1992.] The Cradle & the Cross Hunt, Dave Another Christmas season is here. Why December 25, since it's unlikely that Jesus was born at this time of year? The Roman Church simply took the Saturnalia, a licentious celebration of the winter solstice dedicated...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Occasionally, even secular media must note that the assumed age of a geological formation may not require millions of years to produce. Nevertheless, the status quo rules as the last paragraph in this excerpt demonstrates.] Texas Canyon Was a Geological Rush Job [Excerpts] CANYON LAKE, Texas (AP) -- Geologic...Read more
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