December 2007 |

December 2007

[The following ad for a new "Christian" book recently appeared.] 'Christian Samurai' Book an Excellent Christmas Gift for Soldiers of Christ As Japanese culture becomes more prominent in American entertainment, mysterious and awe inspiring tales of the samurai have become more familiar to the Western world. A new book, The...Read more
TBC Today
For nearly ten years, Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon sat down in TBC's broadcast studio in Bend, Oregon to discuss God's Word, Dave's books, events of the day, and questions from listeners. Search the Scriptures Daily was broadcast weekly and heard all over the world via local radio stations,...Read more
Web Content
Dave Hunt speaking in Martinez, Georgia:Read more
Web Content
Question: What is "Retail Price" and "Your Price" on your products? Answer: "Retail Price" is the price the book or DVD publisher sets as the standard price. Normally we set our selling price ("Your Price") lower than the "Retail Price". There are quite a few products where our prices are...Read more
Online Store
[TBC: The Evangelical jettisoning of Israel seems to be gathering speed.] An Evangelical Statement on Israel /Palestine [Excerpts] As evangelical Christians committed to the full authority of the Scriptures, we feel compelled to make a statement together at this historic moment in the life of the Holy Land. The Israeli-Palestinian...Read more
TBC Today
PA/PLO - Israel ? OK. Jewish Israel ? No way [Excerpts] Weeks before the Bush administration [convened] its conference on the creation of Palestine, one of the PLO/PA's most senior spokesman declared that the "Palestinians" will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Saeb Erekat was speaking on Palestine Radio...Read more
TBC Today
