July 2015 | thebereancall.org

July 2015

Child sacrifice for wealth and power in Uganda Child sacrifice is a disturbing and widespread phenomenon in Uganda, serious enough that the government has established a special taskforce. Activists say child sacrifice is not about tradition, but greed as people seek a quick route to wealth or power and with...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam , Israel , and the Nations" by Dave Hunt [The Evian Conference was] held at the luxurious Hotel Royale in Evian, France, on the shores of Lake Geneva, where delegates from thirty-two countries gathered to discuss the worsening plight of the Jews. Though President Roosevelt...Read more
TBC Today
NEW! Now in stock. Get your copy here: http://thebereancall.com/collections/featured-in-august/products/biblical-guide-to-the-shemitah-and-the-blood-moonsRead more
TBC Today
HUMANISTS SEEK TO HONOR SCOPES 'MONKEY' TRIAL EVOLUTIONIST WITH STATUE IN COURTHOUSE LAWN [Excerpts] A humanist organization that has repeatedly fought against public displays of prayer or Christianity is now raising funds to erect a statue in a courthouse lawn of Clarence Darrow—the promoter of evolution in the famous Scopes...Read more
TBC Today
Never talk about the cold hand of death. It is the hand of Christ. For I am persuaded, with the apostle Paul, that "neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam , Israel , and the Nations" by Dave Hunt The United States government had full knowledge from reliable intelligence of the extermination of the Jews at least as early as August 1942. The State Department (which remains firmly anti- Israel to this day) deliberately suppressed...Read more
TBC Today
