July 2015 | thebereancall.org

July 2015

SCHOLARS BELIEVE WRITING ON POTTERY SHARDS CORROBORATES WITH BIBLICAL NARRATIVE IN JEREMIAH For the past 100 years, archaeologists have been unearthing potsherds in the Holy Land, some of which contain writing in Paleo-Hebrew, the language used in ancient Israel . The largest collection believed to be from the First Temple...Read more
TBC Today
The American College of Pediatricians Calls Supreme Court Ruling “A Tragic Day for America’s Children” [On June 26] the President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Michelle Cretella, ripped the Supreme Court’s decision to force every state in America to allow gay marriage. Dr. Cretella argues that, “[T]his is...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam , Israel , and the Nations" by Dave Hunt What must it be like to be part of a people group that is hated and maligned worldwide, with so many lies told about them that it would be impossible to answer them all—and would do...Read more
TBC Today
Hace unos años tuve el maravilloso privilegio de ministrar a una anciana que estaba a punto de ser operada de cáncer. No fue una cirugía de vida o muerte, pero debido a su avanzada edad definitivamente existían obvias preocupaciones. Mientras esta señora esperaba la camilla para transportarla a la sala...Read more
feature article
The great reservoir of the power that belongs to God is His own Word – the Bible. If we wish to make it ours, we must go to that Book. Yet people abound in the Church who are praying for power and neglecting the Bible. Men are longing to have...Read more
TBC Today
Pope says weapons manufacturers can't call themselves Christian [Excerpts] People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian, Pope Francis said on Sunday. Francis issued his toughest condemnation to date of the weapons industry at a rally of thousands of young people at...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam , Israel , and the Nations" by Dave Hunt One of the most remarkable prophecies in the Bible is found in the many declarations that Jews would be scattered to all nations, where they would be hated, presecuted, and killed like no other people. These...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam , Israel , and the Nations" by Dave Hunt The God of Israel will not allow this desecration of His "holy city"( Nehemiah:11:1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem: the rest of the people also cast lots, to bring one of ten...Read more
TBC Today
