October 2017 | thebereancall.org

October 2017

TBC NewsWatch State Department: No Longer Genocide ChristianPost.com, 7/26/17, “ISIS’ ‘Genocide’ of Christians References Removed From State Dept. Documents” [Excerpts]: Lawyers at the United States State Department have removed the word “genocide” from speeches and official documents that describe the Islamic State’s brutal treatment of Christians, Yazidis and other religious...Read more
news alert
Quotable Blessed it is to recognize in the temporal, creative mercies of each day, the evidences of a loving Father’s care. “He giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” To receive all as from His own hand, giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus, is to honor the...Read more
Dear TBC, I just don’t understand how Christians can so blindly follow everything and anything that says it is Christian. I feel so strongly that we must defend our faith, that we must stand up firmly and not allow the Gospel to be watered down or changed in any way...Read more
Re-establishing Our First Love I know that I’ve repeated the lyrics of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” more than once in my notes over the years, but the 1855 hymn by Joseph Scriven keeps encouraging me, comforting me, and reminding me of my wonderful and amazing Friend. So...Read more
tbc notes
Question: We can’t seem to find a church in our area that has godly leadership and biblical preaching. We feel so alone and now just read the Bible and pray at home. What should we do? How do we find a good church? Response: It is a sad commentary on...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’ve heard several speakers lately say that Jesus was afraid that Satan would kill Him prematurely in the Garden of Gethsemane before He could get to the cross. And that’s why He cried out, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me,” the “cup”...Read more
question and answer
Paul declared that when Christ returned, as He had promised, He would resurrect the dead and catch away all living Christians together with them to meet Him in the air ( 1 Thessalonians:4:13-18 [13] But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that...Read more
TBC Today
If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
feature article
