April 2018 | thebereancall.org

April 2018

Israel is by far the major topic in the Bible. How overwhelmingly this is true may be seen in the following comparisons: grace and gracious together are found 201 times; salvation and saved occur 268 times; love, loved, and lovest are found 420 times; peace is found 429 times; Christ...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Sweden has in recent years allowed local courts to adopt Sharia law as an accommodation to its Muslim population. Among the judicial rulings that have followed has been a case of spousal abuse in which the “court” dismissed the testimony of the abused spouse because “The man stems from...Read more
TBC Today
If God is so loving why doesn't He universally forgive everyone? Love is only part of God's character. He is also infinitely and perfectly just. How can God forgive someone who admits no guilt? How can He forgive those who insist that there is nothing for which He needs to...Read more
TBC Today
Nothing conceivable by human imagination could exceed the miracle of Israel ’s astonishing rebirth after centuries of desolation, the worldwide scattering of the Jews, and Hitler’s Holocaust. In the nearly 60 years since then, we have seen that nation’s remarkable preservation in the face of repeated military attempts to destroy...Read more
TBC Today
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” If you want to learn a new subject, find a master at the subject and copy them. If you want to lose weight, find someone...Read more
TBC Today
Because God’s Word is completely reliable, we can have absolute confidence that, if we correctly understand prophecy, we can know the order of last-days events. I well remember how convinced were the old-time preachers of 50 years ago that two extremely significant prophesied events related to the Rapture were fast...Read more
TBC Today
Before the cross of Christ, mankind was divided into two groups: Jews and Gentiles. Both the Old and New Testaments make very clear what caused this distinction: the everlasting covenants that God had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and with their descendants through Moses. These covenants were for Israel...Read more
TBC Today
The speaker making a pro-life presentation at Mississippi State University almost never lived to see it happen. Less than a week after hosting an abortionist who believes he is doing the work of God by performing abortions, MSU is welcoming Christina Marie Bennett, writer, blogger and communications director for the...Read more
TBC Today
Question: I just went to see Paul, Apostle of Christ, and I thought it was the best biblical movie I’ve seen so far. I heard that the Berean Call does not approve of biblical movies, so I’d like to hear your criticisms. Response: I went to see Paul, Apostle of...Read more
question and answer
