May 2018 |

May 2018

About six months after Andrew Pessin posted on his Facebook profile a defense of Israel during its 2014 war against Hamas, the once popular Connecticut College philosophy professor was subjected to an academic smear campaign. The school paper published articles defaming him. The administration hosted condemnations of Pessin from across...Read more
TBC Today
Paul was given remarkable insights so uniquely applicable to our modern world that they could not possibly have come to him by any means except divine inspiration. He warned, “ the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves” ( 2 Timothy:3:1 This...Read more
TBC Today
The BBC teased religious leaders by asking them if they believed in the literal truth of the great Bible stories. I would like to ask BBC chiefs and the rest of our secular establishment if they believe in the literal truth of evolution. Evolution is an unproven theory. If what...Read more
TBC Today
In tiny, peaceful Costa Rica, a country that lives on its reputation as a laid-back vacation spot, the political ascent of a conservative evangelical pastor has caught many by surprise. Fabricio Alvarado Munoz — who has said he’ll challenge the rights of same-sex couples, consider withdrawing from the Inter-American Human...Read more
TBC Today
In the church, too, there is a departure from the faith—but in the name of faith. Seducing spirits are being contacted, but here they don’t pose as “deeper levels of the psyche” or as “ascended masters” but as Christ himself! The practice of visualizing “Jesus” (visualizing “Mary” works just as...Read more
TBC Today
At the same time that the world is being set up to worship the Antichrist , so is the professing Christian church. Paul’s warnings are many concerning apostasy , which represents a turning away from the faith in the last days. One of the specifics he mentions seems unbelievable: “The...Read more
TBC Today
People who believe humans evolved from an ape-like animal millions of years ago claim we have many useless organs. They say these organs once had a function in our evolutionary past, and that’s why these “leftover” remnants can still be found in humans today. One common example is the human...Read more
TBC Today
The same "progressives" who have made American higher education into indoctrination chambers for cultural Marxism, identity racism and other anti-American ideas are now targeting our K-12 public schools. For instance: [Excerpts]: To enhance "cultural diversity," students at Maryland's La Plata High School were ordered to copy the Islamic creed "Shahada"...Read more
TBC Today
In a Life magazine interview of leading Americans on the purpose of life, the first person quoted proposed, “Our purpose is to...return to Eden, make friends with the snake [Satan] and set up our computers among the wild apple trees.”7 Such a statement in a leading magazine would have been...Read more
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