September 2018 |

September 2018

Mingling with Gentiles was very risky for a Jew who could be exposed to all sorts of contamination. [The] Jewish midrash states: “It happened that Shimeon the son of Kimkhith (the high-priest) went out to speak with the King of the Arabians, and there came a fleck of spittle from...Read more
TBC Today
More important, for some dowsers the wand or pendulum will, in response to questions, accurately indicate the depth at which the water will be found and the flow of water per minute and even the quality of the water! No impersonal force can transmit information. Furthermore, many modern dowsers now...Read more
TBC Today
In a rash of recent actions against Christians in Nepal, an alcoholic who became violent during an intervention had Christian leaders arrested on forcible conversion charges, and a foreign couple was deported. Isak Tamang of the Shreejanga Free Church and pastor Dip Rai of the Chengbung Free Church were arrested...Read more
TBC Today
Do Catholics Really Pray to the “Saints”? Question: I can’t seem to get a straight answer from my Catholic friends concerning prayers to the saints. They seem ambivalent on the subject. Some admit they pray to Mary, while others deny it. What is the truth? Response: It is not surprising...Read more
tbc extra
Austria May Register Jews to Buy Kosher, 7/20/18, “Austrian state wants to force meat-consuming Jews and Muslims to register, drawing Nazi comparisons” [Excerpts]: Nazi comparisons have become so frequent around the world that they rarely draw attention these days. But in Adolf Hitler’s birth country, Austria, they can still...Read more
news alert
A Great Opportunity! As most of our readers know, Dave Hunt’s novel The Mind Invaders was selected by Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) as one of “America’s 100 most-loved books brought to you by The Great American Read.” We are thrilled for the book to be included among such classic works...Read more
tbc notes
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. — Isaiah:53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath...Read more
Dear Berean Call, I have recently finished reading Dave Hunt’s book, Sanctuary of the Chosen . What a book from beginning to end—exciting and scary. As a Christian, I realize that many of the happenings in your book are true and frightening at times, especially when so many cannot see...Read more
Question: If unbelievers do not have the Holy Spirit, how do they get answers from God? Are they not separated from God, as Romans says? How do they go to the throne of grace with their petitions? Please explain, because I had always learned that the only prayer an unsaved...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have been born again for 20-some years and began taking an [exercise] class about four years ago. My teacher is a self-proclaimed gay man. I struggle with supporting him even in a small way. He does sometimes question me about Bible issues, [and] I never back down but...Read more
question and answer
