June 2020 | thebereancall.org

June 2020

Question: When Jesus died on the cross, did He go to the actual place of torment or to Abraham’s bosom? Response: It was definitely to Abraham’s bosom. Sheol was made up of two compartments: one for the damned and one for the redeemed. Jesus preached the gospel to those who...Read more
question and answer
Question: If God is all-powerful, why can demons defy Him? Where do they get their power? Response: I have consistently differentiated between the supernatural/miraculous that only God can do, and the natural realm in which all created beings, including Satan himself, are bound by natural laws imposed by God upon...Read more
question and answer
Question: You seem to discount the value of studying Greek and Hebrew in order to be able to understand the Bible better. A friend of mind is trying to persuade me to go to seminary in order to learn the original biblical languages. Why shouldn’t I? Response: If the Lord...Read more
question and answer
Question: There seems to be a fad that deals with worship of angels. Books have been written on the topic and people seem to be fascinated by the subject. Some profess that they can tell us how to have a guardian angel, how to see and speak with angels, and...Read more
question and answer
We berate politicians when they make promises they choose not to keep. Remember "Read my lips?" But when someone, with no hesitation, announces the supposed very words of God which fail totally, we don't make a murmur or bat an eye. Isn't this an integrity problem? Moreover, don't you suppose...Read more
TBC Today
En 2015 escribí sobre un artículo de la revista New Yorker titulado "El tratamiento del ‘viaje’”, (The Trip Treatment) con el subtítulo: "La investigación de psicodélicos, cerrada durante décadas, ahora está dando resultados excitantes”. Lo que me llamó la atención sobre el artículo del New Yorker, no fue tanto mi...Read more
feature article
