June 2022 | thebereancall.org

June 2022

“As the outward man is not fit for work for any length of time unless he eats, so it is with the inner man. What is the food for the inner man? Not prayer, but the Word of God—not the simple reading of the Word of God, so that it...Read more
Hi T. A. McMahon, Decades ago, I listened to James Dobson while waiting to pick up my sons from school. I could never relate to what he was saying. It seemed like it was something I couldn't quite grasp. You are helping me to see why. And now I know...Read more
Q uestion: I believe the Bible condemns infidelity of any kind, especially that of a sexual nature. Nonetheless, we see so much of it in our society today! Whether churches have dropped the ball is another question entirely, but I do know that we can’t simply stand back, point fingers,...Read more
question and answer
Question: What is the technique that is referred to as “mind-mapping”? Is it legitimate or is it considered an occult technique? Response: The concept of mind mapping is interesting, and introduces some good suggestions for organizing one’s efforts to prepare a talk, to increase the efficiency of a discussion group...Read more
question and answer
QUESTION: I have heard others teach that water baptism is an essential part of New Testament salvation , and that without proper baptism it is impossible to enter into the Kingdom of God. Is this true? RESPONSE: I do not believe that this teaching can be substantiated from the Bible;...Read more
question and answer
This article is about having important biblical conversations with our children. I am the father of five children and the grandfather of five grandchildren. The conversations I desire to have with them include discerning whether or not my children and/or grandchildren fully understand the gospel of Jesus Christ, and discovering...Read more
feature article
Years ago, [my wife Joy] and I watched an interesting interview with the late Stephen J. Gould. He was "an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science " who taught at Harvard University. We really liked him even though we disagreed with his views on evolution. The documentary was...Read more
TBC Today
That papal bull, the supreme law for Roman Catholics, has been reconfirmed and is still in force. Such is the true belief of the Pope and his bishops and cardinals—behind the ecumenical smiles and cooperative façade which they now present to the world. Pretending that Catholicism is in full accord...Read more
TBC Today
Este artículo trata sobre tener conversaciones bíblicas importantes con nuestros hijos. Yo soy padre de cinco hijos y abuelo de cinco nietos. Las conversaciones que deseo tener con ellos incluyen discernir si mis hijos y / o nietos entienden completamente el evangelio de Jesucristo, y descubrir si son capaces o...Read more
feature article
