May 2023 |

May 2023

A new “church” in California just opened: The Church of Potential Life. It was established in response to the Supreme Court Dobb’s decision….It isn’t a church to pray for the unborn, as the title could suggest, but to worship abortion and female autonomy. The founder, Jackie DesForges, said her “anger...Read more
TBC Today
This statement is not intended to reflect the hopeless pessimism that grips the atheist, whose cosmos is meaningless and, like himself as part of it, is headed for oblivion. It is simply a fact—and it is a fact with which the atheist can only concur. Richard Dawkins expresses it like...Read more
TBC Today
What are the heights, and depths, and lengths, of human science , with all the boasted acquisitions of the brightest genius of mankind ! Learning and science can measure the globe, can sound the depths of the sea, can compass the heavens, can mete out the distances of the sun...Read more
TBC Today
More episodes: More about the Bible: Free eBook: Download our app: EPHESIANS 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; EPHESIANS 5:6-7 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
Who isn’t curious, at some level at least, about how human brains process all the complicated inputs and outputs that our daily lives require? Neurobiologists take that curiosity to the top floor. Their recent discovery of a new function for certain neurons has suddenly added a new dimension to these...Read more
TBC Today
Although President Bush’s reference to the heroic exploits of Earth’s early explorers may be inspiring, it is inappropriate in the present context. What Columbus dreamed of was doable. The “space exploration” we irresponsibly boast of accomplishing one day is outrageously impossible.Read more
TBC Today
According to God's Word Radio Program Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity...Read more
According to God's Word

Ursprünglich veröffentlicht am 1. November 2016

Wie in Teil 1 dieser Serie erwähnt, gibt es eine kommende Weltreligion (KWR), und sie schreitet schnell voran. Eines der wesentlichen Elemente, die ihr Wachstum beschleunigen, ist die Mystik, ein Glaubenssystem, das letztlich Lehren ablehnt, die objektive Gesetze, Regeln, Anforderungen, Verpflichtungen, Dogmen, Doktrinen und...Read more

feature article

„An den Herrn Jesus Christus zu glauben, bedeutet zu glauben, wer Er ist und was Er getan hat. Jesus sagt: „Ihr seid von dem, was unten ist, ich bin von dem, was oben ist... denn wenn ihr nicht glauben werdet, dass ich es bin, so werdet ihr in euren Sünden...Read more


Frage: Was meinen die Menschen, wenn sie von Jesus als Herrn und Gott sprechen? Was ist der Unterschied? Ich kenne auch die Lehre von der Dreieinheit, aber bedeutet das, dass unser dreieiner Gott der einzige ist, oder gibt es noch andere?

Antwort: Die Schrift lehrt ganz klar, dass es nur...Read more

question and answer
