Letters | thebereancall.org


To the Berean Call,
We are so grateful to you for your faithfulness in serving God in your unique way.

When we come to the place where we feel like Elijah (“I am the only one left...”), we receive your Berean Call and rejoice that there are still those “whose knees have not bowed down to Baal.”

May God continue to use you in His work. T&MK (CT)

Dear Brother McMahon,
I have received your magazine for many years and I really appreciate how you project your ideas on the written page. My family and I were missionaries to Costa Rica and Spain for 12 years and then pastored a church in Washington State....Perhaps I am wrong, but I have noted that the American church is quite shallow in the sense that I don’t see the evangelism, the all-night prayer meetings that we were accustomed to on the mission field, praise and worship that is not just a “song service,” older women teaching the younger women things that they have learned from experience, and other things....I don’t want to be critical, but I have learned to observe. Your teaching is really needed. JH (AR)

To Berean Call,
As a Calvinist, I object strongly to your flawed and humanistic interpretation of God’s Sovereignty in salvation. We purchased What Love Is This? and found it unreadable! Convoluted and totally illogical! However, I am also an ex-Catholic and applaud your efforts there as well as against so many other assaults on the faith, especially psychology! Thank you. JC (TX)

Dear Berean Call,
Praise the Lord! Just a quick note to say thank you to all the TBC staff. I really appreciate your ongoing work....Dave Hunt’s teaching (as well as Tom McMahon’s) has greatly blessed me. Keep up the good work. DM (IL, prisoner)

Mr. McMahon,
Your own doctrine needs to be examined in the light of the Word of God and Paul’s gospel. There is no Rapture....The Israel of God is not physical Israel. It is the church! ...Dave Hunt is gone now. You can either carry on his legacy or true yourself up with the Word of God and the Gospel as taught us by Paul....The church needs to come out of her Babylonian captivity! She has been there almost seventy years under the Judaized gospel of Scofield.....You will answer to God, and not to Dave Hunt, in eternity.... ML (email)

Dear T. A. and Staff,
Just a word of appreciation for Dave Hunt. His stable confidence in God’s Word [taught us] that all men can understand God’s Word....The individual’s responsibility and accountability to seek out the Word for themselves is missing in the body today (people are relying on others to explain it to them). I put my trust in Jesus when I was 26 years old and some of the first works I listened to were Dave’s. This has been of extreme value to me as I also recognize that no person can come to the knowledge of the truth without...seeking it for themselves.... JB (email)

Dear Berean Call,
Thanks for your faithful service [and] for your article on the Hebrew Roots Movement. How timely! HRM has infiltrated at least one of the members of our church. Our pastor adressed HRM in a sermon recently. Up until then I had no knowledge of HRM and am still amazed that so many people are immersed in an abberation so removed from the finished work of Christ. They cannot see that “in Christ” (which we now are) we have fulfilled the law. If only the church could see the depth of Jesus’ prayer in John:17:21. J&SL (NM)

Dear Brother McMahon,
I am sad for the TBC staff in now being without both Dave and Ruth. However, how wonderful to know that they are together in the presence of the Lord whom they served so passionately throughout their lives.

May the Lord bless and reward you all for carrying on their tradition so seamlessly. The Berean Call is as uplifting, educational, and spiritually thought provoking as it has always been. I truly feel in the company of family whenever I am reading my copy from one end to the other. Have never found anything to disagree with! Thank you for the immense work that goes into every aspect of your publication and thank you for the blessing it imparts. BL (MI)