Biologos Funds Projects To Undermine The Authority of The Word of God |

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Biologos Funds Projects To Undermine The Authority of The Word of God [Excerpts]

The BioLogos Foundation is committed to trying to get the church to reconcile evolution with the Bible. In 2012 BioLogos offered grants through their Evolution and Christian Faith program to people who wanted to produce “new resources and opportunities to engage the community on the topic of evolutionary creation” (which is really just another name for theistic evolution). The grants ranged from $23,000 to $300,000, and BioLogos awarded 37 of them.

Now, the materials created using grants from BioLogos certainly aren’t going to be teaching the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. That much is obvious. But I thought you should be warned about one of the projects that BioLogos is funding—a curriculum called Author of Life.

Available online for free, Author of Life is sadly the creation of Joshua Hayashi, a school chaplain and youth group leader, and Diane Sweeney, a biology instructor and youth group leader. The series is being filmed in Hawaii, and the authors’ goal is to “encourage students to think about the relationship between their faith in the God of the Bible and the process of Evolution.” In episode four of their short videos, titled “God as Artist of Evolution,” Sweeney claims that she isn’t out to change students’ minds or to “shake up” their faith. But the Author of Life curriculum actually attempts to do just that. In fact, it’s really nothing more than a course to indoctrinate young people in the church to believe in evolution and compromise this secular religion with the Bible.

For example, in the leader’s guide to episode four, the writers suggest the following question for students: “If we as Christians are meant to interpret Genesis 1 and 2 as it is written (6 literal 24 hour days, all things created in the order described), then we must reject much of what science tells us. Should this concern Christians? Should Christians look to alter their interpretation of Scripture or assume that man’s wisdom falls short of God’s wisdom?”

Does that look like a question that’s not intended to change minds? Students are told outright that if they accept Genesis as literal history, they have rejected “science”!

The most egregious demonstration of how Sweeney and Hayashi attempt to erode the authority of Scripture in Genesis comes in episode three, titled “The Creation Story.” In this video, two students stand next to each other. As they recite portions of the creation account in Genesis 1, they alternately explain how the process of evolution could be fit into various parts of Genesis 1. One of the students calls the creation account a summary of this process, and even claims that after millions of years, God chose ape-like creatures and gave them “the gift of an eternal spirit”:

Sadly, this kind of compromise with the Bible is what two Christian leaders and teachers are promoting to students in Hawaii. Sweeney and Hayashi note on their website that “The release of [episode 3] occurred just before the very publicized debate between Ken Hamm [sic] and Bill Nye. I think people are looking for an alternative to a debate. Rather than choosing sides, people want to see that God’s Word and God’s Work are not in conflict.”

The people at BioLogos aren’t interested in promoting the authority of Scripture. Instead, they are declaring that man has authority over God’s Word to change it and fit the Bible with what the secularists are saying. Such compromise is rampant through our Christian colleges, churches, and seminaries. Sadly, organizations like BioLogos are using millions of dollars to undermine the authority of the Word. No wonder so many young people are leaving the church by the time they reach college age.