California Legislators Pass Bill Allowing Nurses, Midwives to Perform First Trimester Abortions |

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California Legislators Pass Bill Allowing Nurses, Midwives to Perform First Trimester Abortions [Excerpts]

California legislators have passed a bill allowing nurses and other ‘non-physicians’ to perform abortions on babies up to twelve weeks in gestation.

AB 154, which was sponsored by Democratic Assembly Member Toni Atkins of San Diego, aims to make abortion more accessible in the state, especially in rural areas where abortionists are more difficult to find.

“This bill would state that it is the intent of the legislature to enact legislation that would expand access to reproductive health care in California by allowing qualified health care professionals to perform early abortions,” it reads.

The legislation notes that it is currently a criminal offense for anyone other than a licensed physician to end the lives of unborn children.

“Existing law makes it a public offense, punishable by a fine not exceeding $10,000 or imprisonment, or both, for a person to perform or assist in performing a surgical abortion if the person does not have a valid license to practice as a physician and surgeon, or to assist in performing a surgical abortion without a valid license or certificate obtained in accordance with some other law that authorizes him or her to perform the functions necessary to assist in performing a surgical abortion,” it states, outlining that non-surgical abortions are also limited to certain licensed individuals.

Atkins said that the bill was necessary because she believes that there is a “shortage” of abortion services in the state. There are currently 109 abortion facilities in California–the most in the nation.

“Access to healthcare should not depend on where you live. For rural women or those in heavily populated urban areas, a shortage of abortion providers can mean burdensome travel or long waits to be treated,” she commented in a statement. “AB 154 helps address this shortage and will make early abortions available to women by trained professionals in a timely fashion and in their own communities.”

[TBC: These sins, as well as abortion are all symptoms of a terminally sin diseased society (Jeremiah:17:9).  The good Physician does not confine His treatment to a symptom, or symptoms, but rather seeks to cure the root problem.  He has an eternal view.  “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew:10:28).]