The Children of Father God |

TBC Staff

[TBC: The Mormon teaching of a “Father God” who with his celestial wives populates a planet through conceiving billions of “spirit children” very naturally prompts a further question: Is there a mother-god and if there is, why can we not worship her?]

The Mormon Mother God theory is a logical extension of the Church’s teaching that Joseph Smith introduced in 1844 – namely by teaching that God was once a man like us, who had a father and who had a father and so on… (See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp.345-347).

Since Joseph Smith taught that God was once a man who “became a god”, it is assumed that he also had a wife — or actually wives, since polygamy was also part of Joseph Smith’s teachings.

The Mormon Church teaches that all humans and angelic beings were begotten sons and daughters of Elohim before they were begotten on earth as mankind. God the Father and His wife (or wives) are considered by the Mormon Church to be our heavenly parents, and that we all were born to them as their spirit children, and that we grew in that heavenly abode to spirit adulthood (Gospel Principles, 1997 ed., p. 290). Our earthly parents procreated our physical bodies to which these spirits then would come. There are many references throughout official Mormon teaching materials to “our heavenly parents” meaning that there is a mother (or mothers) also. (Gospel Principles, p. 11, 13-15, 19).

However, the Mormon Church does not sanction worship of Mother in Heaven, or even prayer to her, but it does clearly teach her existence and her necessary role in procreation of human spirits, including Jesus as well as Lucifer. (Gospel Principles, pp. 17-18). This led to the teaching that men can become Gods and then create their own worlds and procreate their own spirit children who will have the same relationship to them (prayer, worship and adoration) as they now have with God the Father (Gospel Principles, p. 302).

Such teaching is completely unbiblical and foreign to Christianity – from the time of Christ to this time. This teaching resembles Egyptian, Greek, Assyrian and Roman pagan concepts of their gods being just a little above humans, and who relate to humans on their level and who procreate as they do.

This (men becoming gods) doctrine can be traced back to Satan’s own ambition of godhood (Isa:14:12-14), and his promise to Adam and Eve in the Garden. (Gen:3:5).
This is an abomination to the God of the Bible, who is the only God there is and ever will be. He is not a man – He is wholly apart from His creation. (Deut. 6:4; Isa:43:10-11; 44:6, 8; 45:21-22; 46:9; Mark:12:29-34; James:2:19. See also Numbers:23:19; Hosea:11:9; Romans:1:22-23; Psalm:90:2; Isa:40:28).

(H.I.S. Ministries International, April 2009 Newsletter, Sandy, Utah,