Choice Gleanings |

November 5
DAILY READINGS: 1 Chronicles 19-20; Ezekiel 18-19; John:6:41 to 7:11
Neither shall there be leaven seen with thee in all thy quarters. Exodus:13:7
No matter how thoroughly we sweep the house, sunlight will reveal more dirt. God commands holiness in His people and thus we hate evil (Prov:8:13) and purpose to stay far from it (1 Thess. 5:22). To that end we must search our hearts so that we can confess and forsake visible sin. Yet on our own we often fail. We need the searching light of Christ and His Word (Ps:139:23-24) to reveal all sin, including wrong attitudes, hidden thoughts and sins of omission. Today let the Word of God expose our heart to us. —George Ferrier
More holiness give me, more strivings within.
More patience in suffering, more sorrow for sin.
—Phillip P. Bliss
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