Choice Gleanings |

November 22
DAILY READINGS: 2 Chronicles 18-19; Ezekiel 38; John:15:17 to 16:15
And sitting down they watched him there. Matthew:27:36
The soldiers had finished their work not knowing they had fulfilled prophecies made a thousand years before Christ’s birth. The acts of parting His garments by lots (Ps:22:18); not breaking any of His bones (Ps:34:20) and piercing His hands, His feet and side (Zech:12:10) were all foretold centuries before this event. Jesus knew all this must be done when He said, “I thirst” (Ps:22:15). The sacrifice of the holy Lamb of God was completed and He cried out "It is finished." Let us remember Him and His death today. —E. MacLelland
'Tis finished here our souls can rest,
His work can never fail;
By Him, our Sacrifice and Priest,
We enter through the veil. —Author Unknown
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