Choice Gleanings |

December 25
DAILY READINGS: Nehemiah 13; Zechariah 9-10; Revelation 17
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful... Isaiah:9:6
Wonderful comes from the word "surpassing". It is something that is beyond understanding. This verse tells us that a Child was born. It speaks to the uniqueness of His humanity, the virgin’s child. But it also speaks of a Son given. Here we see the uniqueness of His deity, the Father’s Son, eternal in His being. It is a fitting title for the Lord Jesus—Wonderful! He is wonderful in His name, wonderful in His person and wonderful in His work. May our hearts be filled with wonder as we adore and worship the Lord Jesus. —Jim Comte
He is wonderful to sinners who saw their Saviour die;
And knew it was to save them, He left His throne on high.
—Author Unknown
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