Choice Gleanings |

August 16
DAILY READINGS: 1 Samuel 25; Isaiah:63:15 to 64:12; Romans:7:7-25
The high priest...shall not...rend his clothes. Leviticus:21:10
Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy. Matthew:26:65
Then the soldiers...took his garments...They said...Let us not rend it. John:19:23-24
Who was the real high priest? Since the Jew's high priest would not acknowledge Jesus as the Christ and tore His clothes, God used the ignorant, ungodly soldiers to show who was truly His High Priest. They spared His coat from being torn as He prepared to purify heavenly things with the better sacrifice of His own blood. Let us draw near to Him today and worship our great High Priest. —Tom Steere
Enthroned in Majesty, the High Priest sits within;
His precious blood, once shed, has made and keeps us clean.
—Horatius Bonar
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