Choice Gleanings - As believers, none of us have anything to be proud of. |

October 13
DAILY READINGS: 2 Kings:14:23 to 15:31; Jer:50:1-20; Titus 1 to 2:8
If thou, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. Psalm:130:3-4
As believers, none of us have anything to be proud of. Time and again we let the Lord down. The Bible, however, from Genesis to Revelation, is replete with the thought of forgiveness. You may feel that you have behaved beyond the scope of God’s mercy. There is always a way back, and there is always a Father to receive you. Do not forget that the man in Luke 15 who was lost and found, was always a son. —Brian Russell
If my people's hearts are humbled; if they pray and seek my face;
If they turn away from evil, I will not withhold my grace.
—Clair Cloniger
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