Choice Gleanings - April 26 |


April 26 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Numbers 6; Proverbs 3; Mark:14:53-72

…I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him and would not let him go… Song of Solomon:3:4

Harry Ironside’s comment is as valid today as the moment he said it. "Nothing gives our Lord more delight than to find a heart that joys in Him for what He is in Himself. Too often we think rather of the gifts, the gracious favours He bestows. It is right and proper that these should stir us to thanksgiving; but it is as we get to know Himself and to joy in His love that we really worship in blissful communion." —Pete Smith

The Bride eyes not her garments,

But her dear Bridegroom’s face;

I will not gaze at glory,

But on my King of grace! —Anne R. Cousin

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