Choice Gleanings - February 22 |


February 22 - Choice Gleanings

Posted with permission from

 DAILY READINGS: Exodus 13 to 14:4; Psalms 47-48; Acts:7:1-29

For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come. 1 Corinthians:11:26

As I drove into town on a beautiful Sunday morning, I couldn’t help but notice the boats heading toward the harbour. Numerous people were gathering for an annual “fun run” which ends at the harbour. As I paid for the bread and wine for our Breaking of Bread, the lady behind the counter commented, “Oh, is it Sunday today?” What value do I place on Sunday—the Lord's day? Do I want to go and meet with the Lord and His people, or is it just another day to live for myself? Today may I remember His death for me on the cross, and bring Him the worship that He truly deserves, for He is worthy. —Janet Fleming

Today He speaks to each of us, Compelling, tenderly,

I gave my life, I died for you, Will you remember me? —Janet Fleming