Choice Gleanings - February 25 |


February 25 - Choice Gleanings

Posted with permission from

 DAILY READINGS: Exodus 16; Psalm 52-54; Acts:9:1-31

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy. Phil:1:3-4

Christian fellowship is truly one of the great joys of the Christian pathway. Because our relationships are based on our common bonds in the Lord Jesus, each one is special indeed! It is a blessing when God brings a particular one to remembrance. I trust today you will take the opportunity to uphold some dear believers before the throne of grace! Pray for strength and encouragement for them in their times of service and need. You will be blessed as an intercessor! —Jim Paul

There is a spot where spirits blend,

Where friend holds fellowship with friend;

Though sundered far, by faith we meet,

Around one common mercy seat. —Hugh Stowell