Choice Gleanings - March 20 |


March 20 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Exodus 37; Psalm:89:19-52; Acts:22:1-21

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews:11:1

We are almost there! C. H. Spurgeon said that by faith the wilderness can become the suburbs of heaven. We have almost reached heaven's suburbs and in a little while heaven's "downtown"—yet unseen— will become gloriously apparent to us all. For just a little longer, strengthened by our Saviour's grace we seek to be faithful in our corner of the vineyard. Even as we keep looking forward for the short distance which remains! —Mark Fenn

So lift your eyes to the things as yet unseen,

That will remain now for all eternity.

Though trouble's hard, it's only momentary,

And it's achieving our future glory. —Lou Fellingham

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